Sunday, August 18, 2013

Know Thy Self

The picture you see displayed to the left is the essence of a human being in its most pure state of existence. This is not voodoo... this is not witchcraft... and this is certainly not illumanti.

This here is called "Consciousness": being aware of your existence and realizing the "I Am" inside yourself. Deepak Chopak refers to it as, Pure Potential. Everyone has the power to create, which is given to them by the creator. Everyone has a purpose and it's coded in your DNA.

How do you find your purpose you ask? Well first, it starts with knowing yourself. How do you find yourself? It begins with taking away distractions that do not allow you focus on yourself, such as: Television, The Media, and other  people that are not on your level. All of these things will distract and keep you from looking
INSIDE yourself. They keep you focused on external things, things going on outside of yourself and outside of your control. The only person/thing you can completely control is YOURSELF.

Once you have removed the external distractions, it time to remove internal distractions as well. Imagine your  pure potential being a door that will only open when you are completely silent. The noise in your head is sometimes referred to as "Internal disturbance". One of the best ways to eliminate the noise is by mediation. Meditation will be explained, in detail, later in another  post, but think of it this way: prayer is like sending a package to God overseas using a boat, and mediation is like sending that same package but using one-day air! It's a direct connection to your source.

Last but not least, "get back to nature". Unplug yourself from all technology and surround yourself around nature. Go to a park, be around trees and animals, let your feet touch the rich soil of the earth. One of the best aspects of nature is water. The negative ions in water will balance out the energy in the body and make you feel simply at  peace.

So there are three steps to finding yourself:
1) Removing Distractions - Television, Media, etc
2) Removing the noise in your head - Meditation, 3) Getting back to nature.

Following these three steps will lead you directly to your source, to pure potential, to God.

Once you have become conscious of your own being (Mental and Spiritual health ), it will allow you to consciously make better decisions with your physical health. Making better physical health decisions will impact your mental and spiritual health, and the cycle continues positively.

As I stated in the first post, and will continue to post at the end of each blog, you can be either one of two things: Proactive or ReactiveYOU CHOOSE!


Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Cycle Continues

Hello World! If you are reading this, then you have decided to be the "hammer" instead of the nail with your life... because it's changing, drastically. And if you don't adapt and adjust, then you will be left behind, or the world will change YOU how it sees fit!

This blog was created to help people become more healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually.

It will provide people with ways to stay physically fit, including numerous exercises, vitamin supplements to take, how to make organic smoothies that not only have nutritional value, but also taste pretty good if I don't say so myself!

It will educate you on the dangerous foods to not eat that contain  MSG and other chemicals that are harmful to the body.
There will be posts about meditation and the power of "Silence".  Many people assume meditation is Voodoo and not to be dabbled in, when in all actuality it is another form of prayer that connects you to "the source /the Creator" quicker! (To be continued).
Also, monitoring your thoughts will be included in this blog. The law of attraction (Which is explained in great detail in the book "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne -- great read, check it out) will be addressed and shown how to use effectively.

Everything is created by THOUGHT. What are your daily thoughts about..?

And lastly, getting to know yourself will be the main focus of this entire blog. Changing the world starts with YOU; knowing thy self and using your gifts giving by the creator to help others.

These are just the basics that will be shared in this blog, there are many other subjects about living a healthy lifestyle that will be explored.

 It takes time and effort, two things a lot of people are not willing to offer to the world. But as many know, nothing of true value comes without QUALITY time and effort.

 In life, you can be either one of two things: Proactive or Reactive. YOU CHOOSE!

I'll leave you with a commonly heard, but rarely used quote:
  “You only ever grow as a human being if you’re outside your comfort zone.” – Percy Cerutty



Additional Links: 
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
Meditation with Oprah and Dr. Deepak Chopra

~ I AM!